Make Up Store Punk Collection

Make Up Store Punk

The Punk-girl speaks for herself, urges her drive to question authority, to rewrite the established codes, to upend the graying order, to have some fun and cause some mayhem; in short, she’s a rule breaker. The collection “Punk” is strongly coloured by Sex Pistol’s “God Save the Queen” and Ramones’ “Sheena Is a Punk Rocker”, but our punk girl also lives very much here-and-now. But different from those around her, she seeks air in the thinning oxygen and doesn’t acknowledge the stated fact “punk is dead”. Instead she spikes her nails with metal, studs her cosmetics bag and uses her makeup as a political weapon, and sings with a dissonant voice: “Hey, you may think punk is dead, you may put it in a museum, but I intend to awake it into the new world. Because in my heart I know that the spirit of punk has never been more important or necessary ever. Punk, again welcome to the end of the world: No smoking allowed.”

Make Up Store Punk Collection

Microshadow (140 SEK)

  • Amarillo (marble)
  • Eclipse
  • Mountain
  • Pollution

Cybershadow (135 SEK)

  • Steel

Nailpolish (130 SEK)

  • Mika
  • Top Coat Matt

Nail Decor Caviar (95 SEK)

  • Silver
  • Purple

Nail Studs Silver (125 SEK)

Max Lashes Mascara (160 SEK)

Mascara Fan Brush (85 SEK)

Originizer Stud Bags (545 SEK)

Finns att köpa: Hela kollektionen hos KICKS. Hos Make Up Store i september 2013.

Se fler bilder!

MUS_Microshadow_AmarilloMicroshadow Amarillo

Eclipse_Microshadow_MUSEclipse Microshadow

Mountain_Microshadow_Punk-Collection-MUSMountain Microshadow

Pollution_Microshadow_MUSPollution Microshadow

Steel_Cybershadow_Punk-Collection-MUSSteel Cybershadow

TopCoat_Matt_Nailpolish-MUSTop Coat Matt

Mika_Nailpolish_MUSMika Nailpolish

MakeUpStore_Purple_Silver_NailDecoCaviarPurple & Silver Nail Deco Caviar

NailStudSilver_Tools_MUSNail Stud Silver

Black_MaxLashesMascara_MUSMax Lashes Mascara

MUS_tool_MascaraFanBrush_207Mascara Fan Brush

OriginizerStud_Bags_MUSOriginizer Stud Bags

Kollektioner 2013 Make Up Store Etiketter: , , ,

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