Make Up Store Moscow Collection

Make Up Store Moscow

This is the collection for the woman that cries out for excess, makeup eccentricity, and a kaleidoscopic explosion of clothes; layering, different textures, and colour.
The look is a challenge of course. A little insane. A mix and match of things that don’t go together, but, in the end do. When one is bored of strict minimalism in which richness, decoration, and sensuality has virtually disappeared, “Moscow” takes you overboard, Far East to Mother Russia, and in the opposite direction.
The Moscow-woman has attitude, she knows how to wear her makeup, how to put on her jewellery. Her many layers may be similar to the famous Matryoshka dolls, but do not mistaken, there is nothing “pawny” about her. According to her terms, the more woman you can be, the better.
Inspired by the late eighties and early nineties, periods of tremendous growth for international luxury, this look will win those over who adores maximal and sexy styling. Because this woman isn’t a sad idiot – she’s a sexy bitch. A strong, sexy, happy bitch.

Make Up Store Moscow Collection

Microshadow (140 SEK)

  • Volga
  • Dagger (re-promote)
  • Lagoon (re-promote)

Glitter Eyeliner (155 SEK)

  • Sparkling Brown (re-promote)

Slim Lipstick (175 SEK)

  • 401 Matte Slim Lipstick Babushka

Nailpolish (130 SEK)

  • Melissa

Tools (95 SEK)

  • Nail Tips Russia

Bags (165-295 SEK)

  • Babushka Tall 295 SEK
  • Babushka Medium 255 SEK
  • Babushka Small 165 SEK

Finns att köpa: December 2013

Se fler bilder!

Volga_microshadowVolga Microshadow

Dagger_MicroshadowDagger Microshadow

Lagoon_MicroshadowLagoon Microshadow

SparklingBrown_GlitterEyelinerSparkling Brown Glitter Eyeliner

Babushka_SlimLipstickBabushka Slim Lipstick #401

Melissa_nailpoishMelissa Nailpolish

Nail Tips RussiaNail Tips Russia

Make Up Store Bag BabushkaBabushka Tall Bag

Kollektioner 2013 Make Up Store Etiketter:

4 reaktioner till “Make Up Store Moscow Collection”

  1. Gillar verkligen Volga och Dagger, de ser grymma ut. Och sen den glittriga eyelinern, sååå snygg. 🙂

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