Make Up Store Jelly Collection August 2013

Make Up Store Jelly

The “Jelly” look spans the entire spectrum of bold, bright colours and sweetly sugared shapes. The collection is one of a cohort of soft-spoken rebels, influenced by the kitten-like movie stars once found in the 1950s and the happy and sexy amazons in the 70s. The “Jelly”-adorer is neither a woman, nor a girl. Instead she works her façade in the name of joy, and glossy and colour is her leading stars. Fusion colours, very much alike an Astro lamp, she changes according to her environment; she comes in as many varieties of styles and colours as the lava lamp itself. She is the Marilyn Monroe of 2013, always suggestive, always sexy and always, always a lot of fun.

Make Up Store Jelly Collection

Marble Eyeshadow (140 SEK)

  • Giallo Damasco

Cybershadow (135 SEK)

  • Baby Doll (repromote)
  • Jelly


  • Jelly (sheer)

Slim Lipstick (175 SEK)

  • #403 (matte)

Lip Gloss Wand Duo (145 SEK)

  • Orchid

Nailpolish (130 SEK)

  • Christian (glossy/mint)
  • Shazia (glossy/strong pink)

Nail Caviar Pink (95 SEK) repromote

Splash Swirl Body lotion (155 SEK)

  • Apple & Pear
  • Coffee & Honeysuckle
  • Redberries & Vanilla

Jelly Bags (245 SEK)

Finns att köpa: Hos Make Up Store i augusti 2013.

Se kollektionen här!

GialloDamsco_MarbleEyeshadow_MakeupstoreGiallo Damasco Marble Eyeshadow

Jelly_Cybershadow_MakeupstoreJelly Cybershadow

BabyDoll_Cybershadow_MUSBaby Doll Cybershadow

Jelly_Lipstick_MakeupstoreJelly Lipstick

SlimLipstick403Matte_Makeupstore#403 Matte Slim Lipstick

Orchid_Lipgloss_Makeupstore-Jelly-CollectionOrchid Lip Gloss Wand Duo (image shows gloss lips which is the wrong packaging)

Christian_Shazia_Nailpolish_MakeupstoreJellyChristian & Shazia Nailpolish

Nail_Caviar_PINK_MakeupstorePink Nail Caviar

SplashSwirlBodylotion_HomeSpa_MakeupstoreHome Spa Splash Swirl Body Lotion

JellyEyes_Bags_MakeupstoreJelly Bags

Make Up Store Kollektioner 2013 Etiketter: , , , , , , ,

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