Make Up Store Glam New Year Collection 13/14

Make Up Store Glam

“You’re only as good as you look”, pretty much sums up the seventies American glam era. This winter we’ve taken this to our hearts and created look “Glam” – the perfect collection for all those great, glittering parties that comes with Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
The Glam-chick would very much be perfect for poolside lounging with the Halstonettes or dancing at Studio 54 in clingy jersey shirtdresses and slim jumpsuits, if the possibility still existed. Sadly, it doesn’t. But as “Glam” is set to reintroduce many of the era’s key beauty notes to the new generation of club kids, the opportunity to create an updated version of the 20th century’s most joyful party periods is at your own hand. Though it may not allow you to enter on white horses at your favourite club, you will get that shimmery, sexy feeling of the 70’s jet set lifestyle.”

Make Up Store Glam New Year Collection 13/14

Microshadow (140 SEK)

  • Minimalism

Slim Lipstick (175 SEK)

  • Matte 405

Gloss Lips (145 SEK)

  • Led Light

Nailpolish (130 SEK)

  • Susan
  • Teresa

Bags (185 SEK)

  • New Year

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Kollektioner 2013 Make Up Store

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