FACE Stockholm enters the UK

FACE Stockholm enters the UK

FACE Stockholm enters the UK

Cult Swedish beauty brand FACE Stockholm has expanded into the UK. The brand, which is now available at Fenwick department store on London’s Bond Street, was founded 25 years ago by Gun Nowak. Nowak sought to create a comprehensive colour brand that matched the neon fashion trends of the 1980s.

“We are delighted to welcome FACE Stockholm to Fenwick. We believe their cool, credible Scandinavian pedigree and dedication to service and superior products reflects Fenwick’s unique retail offering,” said David Walker-Smith, Managing Director at Fenwick Bond Street.

Before launching in Fenwick, a small selection of FACE Stockholm products has been available online via MyShowcase and Cult Beauty, as well as the BeautyMart concept store in Harvey Nichols.

Source: http://www.cosmeticsbusiness.com/


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