Essie Fall 2013 For The Twill Of It Collection

Essie Fall 2013 For The Twill Of It

It’s a material world, full of sensorial sartorial delights. Fall is the perfect time to pile on the cozy and amp up the chic. Rich flannels, sumptuous knits punctuated with accents of lace and the occasional ultra-fine silk twill create a lavish palette of textures that’s impossible to resist. “I love the idea of creating polish that’s like the proverbial boyfriend sweater – in this case, a blazer borrowed from the boys,” says brand founder and Creative Director Essie Weingarten. “Creating nail color with a warm and fuzzy feeling can be tricky,” Weingarten explains. “But when you get it right, it really is like putting on your favorite sweater.” Transferring the soft volumes and rich woolens of the fall runways, essie offers six seductively tactile shades that radiate beautifully tailored warmth.

The lace is on to set the pace for the fashion season. Go back to cool in an after school boy blazer or positively posh in a twin sweater set. While some have a vested interest in the pursuit of style, other dress just for the twill of it – and then there are those who simply want to put on a cuddly cashmere bathrobe and call it a day.

Essie Fall 2013 For The Twill Of It Collection

  • After School Boy Blazer deep midnight blue
  • Cashmere Bathrobe true flannel gray
  • For The Twill Of It medium brown with reflective green shimme
  • The Lace Is On toned pearlescent fuchsia
  • Twin Sweater Set vibrant crimson red
  • Vested Interest cool grey teal

Finns att köpa: Lanseras i Augusti 2013.

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