Essie DJ Play That Song Neons 2013 Collection

Essie DJ Play That Song Neons 2013 Collection

“Megawatt personality that’s impossible to ignore”

Essie DJ Play That Song Neons 2013 Collection
24-hour party people unite! For those who love spring best
after the sun goes down, here’s the hottest way to light up
the night: neon. These six stellar shades are sure to be on
heavy rotation on the springtime party circuit – dancing in
the dark just got a lot more colorful. Of course, after hours
isn’t the only time to transform a mani into an incandescent
star of wonder. Pair these bold brights with a crisp shift dress
or add a pop of color to a pretty pedi for a mesmerizing day
look that’ll illuminate your way to the top of the office ladder.
However you wear them, these colors brush on an instantly
chic, playful look with megawatt personality that’s impossible
to ignore.
When night falls and I have a case of saturday disco fever,
there’s no cure like stepping out to the boom boom room. I
nab a cab and meet up with friends. Dressed to the nines,
my vivid hues call out, “bouncer, it’s me!” We talk up the host
who seats us at the best table, bottle service only. The crowd
is warming up, we’re all thinking the same thing: dj play that
song. When she does, it’s time to get off the chair and shake
your $$ maker! This is going to be a night to remember.

Let there be neon,

Essie Weingarten
Founder and Global Creative Director

Essie DJ Play That Song Neons 2013 Collection

  • “bouncer, it’s me!” vivid blue velvet
  • bottle service scorching neon fuchsia
  • dj play that song jam-iest neon plum
  • shake your $$ maker ambitious electric green
  • saturday disco fever superhot fire coral
  • boom boom room ultra-bright party pink

Finns att köpa: HOS KICKS från slutet av maj, rek pris 129 kr.

Se kollektionen här!

Essie DJ Play That Song Neons 2013 Collection

Essie DJ Play That Song Neons 2013 Collection Boom Boom RoomEssie Boom boom room

boom-boom-room-3016Essie Boom boom room

BottleServiceEssie Bottle service

bottle-service-3015Essie Bottle service

Bouncer,It'sMe“bouncer, it’s me!”

bouncer-it's-me-3013“bouncer, it’s me!”

Essie DJ Play That Song Neons 2013 CollectionEssie DJ play that song

dj-play-that-song-3011Essie DJ play that song

SaturdayDiscoFeverEssie Saturday disco fever

saturday-disco-fever-3012Essie Saturday disco fever

ShakeYour$$MakerEssie shake your $$ maker

shake-your-$$maker-3014Essie shake your $$ maker


Essie Kollektioner 2013 Etiketter: , , , , , ,

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