Chanel Les Harmonies de Printemps Spring 2012

Chanel Les Harmonies de Printemps Spring 2012

Chanel Les Harmonies de Printemps Våren 2012

Vårens kollektion från Chanel presenteras med ett diffust ljus över sig. Harmoniskt, sagolikt & stämningsfullt. Jag gillar verkligen den aprikosorangea mjuka färgen som går genom hela kollektionen. Känner mig manad att börja spara på slantarna redan nu och strunta i alla kommande vinterkollektioner.
Text & bilder från kanadensiska Beautycrazed.

  • Poudre Universelle Compacte:
    Jasmin (luminous beige pigmented with gold).
  • Blush Horizon:
    Eclat Douceur
  • Les Quatre Ombres
    Eclosion (peach, gold, grey beige and intense plum)
  • Ombre Essentielle
    Tigerlily (orange-toned shade shot with flashes of gold) — Rose de Mai (delicate pink)
  • Stylo Yeux Waterproof
    Grenat (velvety wine)
  • Rouge Coco Baume
    With the same hydratender complex for instant and lasting hydration as the rest of the Rouge Coco range as well as being enriched with a complex based on oil and cane sugar known for its restorative properties.
  • Rouge Coco
    Paradis (coral pink, fresh and sun-kissed) — Destinée (intense and enigmatic plum) — Chalys (orange coral with shimmering reflections)
  • Rouge Coco Shine
    Candeur (pastel pink) — Flirt (tender and vibrant coral)
  • Levres Scintillantes 
    Pétillant (peach with flashes of gold) — Bagatelle (pink with flashes of silver)
  • Le Vernis
    April (highly luminous garnet of wild berries) — May (intense pink) June (pastel apricot)

Se bilder på kollektionen!

Poudre-Universelle-Compacte-Jasmin-Chanel-2012Poudre Universelle Compacte: Jasmin

Blush Horizon: Eclat DouceurBlush Horizon: Eclat Douceur

Les Quatre Ombres — Eclosion: peach, gold, grey beige and intense plumLes Quatre Ombres: Eclosion

Ombre Essentielle: Tigerlily — Rose de Mai — Stylo Yeux Waterproof: GrenatOmbre Essentielle:  Tigerlily & Rose de Mai, Stylo Yeux Waterproof: Grenat

Rouge Coco BaumeRouge Coco Baume

Rouge Coco — Paradis: coral pink, fresh and sun-kissed — Destinée: intense and enigmatic plum — Chalys: orange coral with shimmering reflectionsRouge Coco: Destinee, Chalys, Paradis

chanel-2012-Rouge-Coco-Shine-Candeur-flirtRouge Coco Shine: Candeur & Flirt

chanel-Levres-Scintillantes-Petillant-bagatelle-2012Levres Scintillantes: Petillant & Bagatelle

chanel-2012-le-vernis-may-june-aprilLe Vernis: April, May, June

Chanel Kollektioner 2012 Etiketter: , , , ,

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